Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Restoring missing audio files
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Controlling playbackLocating missing audio ► Restoring missing audio files

When you open a project file that references audio files which Sonar can not find, the Find Missing Audio dialog box appears. Use the following procedure to restore the missing audio files to your project.
In the Find Missing Audio dialog box, click the Search button.
The Search for Missing Audio dialog box appears and Sonar begins searching all available hard drives for the missing file or files.
The Find Missing Audio dialog box appears.
Move file to Project Audio Folder. Use this option if you are sure that no other projects are referencing this file in its present location.
Copy file to Project Audio Folder. Use this option if the missing file is shared with another project and you want to keep all of your project’s audio files together.
Reference file from present location. Use this option if you want to leave the missing file in its current location now that Sonar knows where it is.
Click Open.
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