Cakewalk // Documentation // Cakewalk // Tempo track and Tempo Inspector
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Figure 5. Tempo track.
To show the Tempo track, do one of the following:
Click the Track view View menu and select Tempo Track Show/Hide
Select Views > Tempo or press ALT+SHIFT+5 (this also opens the Tempo Inspector)
Tip: You can show/hide the Tempo track with the assignable Show/Hide Tempo Track global key binding. For details, see Key bindings.
Cakewalk also includes a workspace named Tempo that configures the layout for tempo editing. For details, see Workspaces.
Figure 6. Tempo track.
A. Tap tempo B. BPM value of new tempo change C. Insert new tempo change D. Curve shape E. Linear shape F. Jump shape G. Tempo track icon (click to open metronome settings) H. Tempo scale I. Envelope node J. Tempo envelope 
Icon . Click Tempo track icon to open metronome settings
TAP . When playback is stopped, use the TAP button to tap out a tempo. The Tempo BPM field changes as the tapped tempo varies. You can then click the Insert tempo button to insert the tempo change at the current Now Time. If you want to use tap tempo during playback, first right-click the Tempo track and make sure Update BPM Display During Playback is disabled.
Tempo BPM value . Allows you to change the tempo at the project cursor position. Type a new tempo or use the TAP button to tap out a tempo. The Tempo field changes as the tapped tempo varies. As tempo changes are encountered during playback, the project’s current tempo is displayed. During playback or transport seeking, the current tempo value is shown, similar to the tempo display in the Transport module.
Insert tempo . Insert the selected BPM value as a tempo change at the current Now Time.
Tempo scale. Allows you to specify the display range. For details, see Zooming and scrolling in the Tempo track.
Tempo envelope. The tempo map is represented as an automation envelope.
Snap Tempos To Whole Values. Enabled by default. When editing tempo envelope nodes, or using tap tempo or the tempo value textbox, only use whole values without decimal points.
Show Tempo Values on Envelope. Show/hide the numeric value adjacent to each node.
Arranger Exclude. Prevent the tempo map from being affected when you edit arranger sections.
Insert Tempo Change. Same as Project > Insert Tempo Change.
Insert Series of Tempos. Same as Project > Insert Series of Tempos.
Reset Tempo Map. Clear all tempo envelope nodes (same as selecting Clear All form the tempo envelope context menu).
Offset Tempo Map. Specify a value to apply to all existing tempo nodes.
To show/hide the Tempo Inspector, click the Show/Hide Tempo Inspector button at the top of the Inspector pane.
Figure 7. Tempo Inspector.
A. Show/hide Tempo Inspector B. Insert Tempo C. Tempo change position D. Tempo change beats per measure (BPM) E. Envelope shape curve type 
Show/Hide Tempo Inspector . Show/hide the Tempo Inspector.
Insert Tempo . Open the Insert Tempo dialog box.
Time column. Shows the tempo change time position. Double-click to edit. Respects global Display All Times as SMPTE display option in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Display. MBT or HMSF. By default, the time is displayed in M:B:T format, but shows H:M:S:F time if the Display All Times as SMPTE display option is enabled in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Display.
BPM column. Shows the tempo change beats per measure value. Double-click to edit.
Envelope curve type. Graphical display of the envelope shape type. Click to change the shape type:
Jump. This choice causes the envelope to make a ninety degree jump where the envelope reaches the second node. Cakewalk displays jumps with a dotted line, meaning that there is automation data at the nodes where the dotted line begins and ends, but not where the line itself is.
Linear. This choice draws a straight line between the two nodes.
Fast. This choice draws a curve between the two nodes that changes value rapidly at first, but more slowly toward the end of the curve.
Slow. This choice draws a curve between the two nodes that changes value slowly at first, but more rapidly toward the end of the curve.
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