Cakewalk // Documentation // SONAR LE // Using pitch markers in the Track view
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Working with loops and Groove ClipsWorking with Groove Clip audio ► Using pitch markers in the Track view

Pitch markers change the pitch at which Groove clips sound. All Groove clips in SONAR that have the Follow Project Pitch option enabled adjust their pitch as they encounter pitch markers in SONAR. If there are no pitch markers, all Groove clips play at the default project pitch, unless the Follow Project Pitch parameter is disabled.
A. Pitch marker: Groove clips with Follow Project Pitch enabled play with the Root Note transposed to C B. Time Ruler C. Pitch marker: Groove clips with Follow Project Pitch enabled play with the Root Note transposed to D
Select the Clip Inspector’s Groove Clip section and make sure that the Reference Note field is correct. When your project reaches a pitch marker, SONAR transposes each groove clip that has the Follow Project Pitch option enabled by the difference between the clip’s Reference Note and the current Project Pitch.
Go to Project > Set Default Groove Clip Pitch and specify the default pitch.
SONAR transposes each groove clip that has the Follow Project Pitch option enabled by the difference between the clip’s Reference Note and the current Project Pitch. Your project’s pitch changes wherever you insert a pitch marker. If you don’t insert any pitch markers, your project stays at its default pitch.
Select Create a Marker from the menu that appears.
The Marker dialog box appears.
In the Groove Clip Pitch drop-down, select a pitch.
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