Cakewalk // Documentation // Music Creator 6 Touch // Scale Manager dialog
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Dialog box reference ► Scale Manager dialog

In the Track Inspector, click the Scale control in the Snap to Scale section and choose Scale Manager to open the Scale Manager dialog box, which lets you create and edit scales to use with the Snap to Scale feature.
Scale Family. This field lists all of the families of scales that in which an individual scale might be stored.
Scale. This field lists the scales that are stored in the selected Scale Family.
Keyboard display. This keyboard display shows the notes that are in the selected scale by displaying a blue dot over each note in the selected scale. You can include or exclude a note clicking keys in the keyboard display.
Scale Degrees. This field lists the different scale degrees that are in the selected scale.
Scale Degree buttons. These buttons below the Scale Degree field show what scale degrees are in the selected scale. Each depressed button shows that the button’s namesake is in the selected field.
Defaults. This button opens a dialog box that offers to restore factory-supplied scales to their default values.
New button. Click this button to create a new scale. When you click this button, the Scale Manager displays a default name (New Scale “n”) for the new scale, and automatically selects C as the root note of the scale.
Note: All scales in the Scale Manager dialog box use C as the root note.
Delete button. Click this button to delete any scale that is highlighted in the Scale field.

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