Figure 522. The Editing sectionThe Editing section lets you specify drag & drop behavior, auto-crossfade settings, MIDI editing options and Microscope settings.The Editing section contains the following settings:
Copy Entire Clips as Linked Clips. When you copy an entire clip, choosing this option causes the new clip and the clip that you copied it from to be Linked clips.
Blend Old and New. Choosing this option tells SONAR to mix the new data with the old, with the following option:
Replace Old with New. Choosing this option tells SONAR to delete the old data, with the following option:
Delete Whole Measures. Choosing this option tells SONAR to delete the old data up to the next measure line, regardless of whether the new data fills the space up to the next measure.
Slide Over Old to Make Room. Choosing this option tells SONAR to slide the old data either forward or backward in the track to make room for the new data. with the following option:
Align to Measures. Choosing this option tells SONAR to slide the old data up to the next measure line, regardless of whether the new data fills the space up to the next measure.
Ask This Every Time. Choosing this option causes the Editing section to appear every time you drag some data.
Crossfade Audio clips upon overlap. Choosing this option tells SONAR to automatically smooth out any volume differences between overlapping audio clips, nondestructively. If you choose this option to drag clips, and then disable it to drag some other clips, the clips with the crossfades retain their crossfades.
Crossfade Styles. Click this button to specify the default fade and crossfade settings. The options are as follows:
Default Fade-In Curve > Linear. This command sets as a default a linear, or steady fade-in curve when dragging the beginning of a clip.
Default Fade-In Curve > Fast Curve. This command sets as a default a fast fade-in curve when dragging the beginning of a clip.
Default Fade-In Curve > Slow Curve. This command sets as a default a slow fade-in curve when dragging the beginning of a clip.
Default Fade-Out Curve > Linear. This command sets as a default a linear, or steady fade-out curve when dragging the end of a clip.
Default Fade-Out Curve > Fast Curve. This command sets as a default a fast fade-out curve when dragging the end of a clip.
Default Fade-Out Curve > Slow Curve. This command sets as a default a slow fade-out curve when dragging the end of a clip.
Default Crossfade Curves > Linear Out - Linear In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out at a steady rate and the second clip fades in at a steady rate.
Default Crossfade Curves > Fast Out - Fast In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out fast and the second clip fades in fast.
Default Crossfade Curves > Slow Out - Slow In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out slowly and the second clip fades in slowly.
Default Crossfade Curves > Fast Out - Slow In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out fast and the second clip fades in slowly.
Default Crossfade Curves > Slow Out - Fast In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out slowly and the second clip fades in fast.
Default Crossfade Curves > Linear Out - Fast In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out at a steady rate and the second clip fades in fast.
Default Crossfade Curves > Linear Out - Slow In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out at a steady rate and the second clip fades in slowly.
Default Crossfade Curves > Fast Out - Linear In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out fast and the second clip fades in at a steady rate.
Default Crossfade Curves > Slow Out - Linear In. This command sets as default a crossfade in which the first clip fades out slowly and the second clip fades in at a steady rate.
Selection after single split. This list lets you specify what is selected after a clip is split into two parts:
Left portion (default). Only the left portion is selected.
Right portion. Only the right portion is selected.
Both portions. Both the left and right portions are selected.
None. Neither portion is selected.
When splitting clips in groups, create new groups. Choosing this option tells SONAR to create a new clip group when splitting clips in an existing clip group.
Auto Crossfade Comps (0-25ms). Specify the default auto crossfade duration when comping in Take lanes.
Non-Destructive MIDI Editing. Select this option to make all MIDI editing non-destructive. When toggled on, this option forces deleted data to be retained even though it is not visible.
Velocity Audition. Select this option if you want to hear the changes in velocity as you make them.
Polyphonic Velocity Audition. Select this option if you want to hear all selected notes as you drag them through different pitch levels.
Microscope. Use this check box to enable/disable Microscope mode in the Piano Roll view and inline Piano Roll (enabled by default).
Diagonal Size. Use this numeric entry box to specify the diameter size in pixels of the microscope. The valid range is 20-250 and the default value is 100.
Show When Note Height Less Than. Microscope mode will only be enabled if the note heights (in pixels) are equal or less than this number. The valid range is 2-20 and the default value is 6.
Magnifying Time. Use this check box to enable/disable horizontal magnification when the Piano Roll view zoom is such that notes become very narrow.In addition to these options, there are some other parameters that can be configured by adding the following INI variables to the WinCake section of Cakewalk.ini (see Cakewalk.ini):
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Note - Using Offline Help
Note: If you prefer to always use offline Help, go to Edit > Preferences > File > Advanced in your Cakewalk software and select Always Use Offline Help.
If you are not connected to the internet, your Cakewalk software will default to showing offline help until an internet connection becomes available.