Cakewalk // Documentation // Music Creator 6 Touch // File - VST Settings
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Dialog box referencePreferences dialog ► File - VST Settings

The VST Settings section lets you manage VST effect and instrument plug-ins.
The VST Settings section contains the following settings:
Add. This button opens the Browse for Folder dialog box, which allows you to select a new folder to be scanned.
Remove. To remove a folder from the to-be-scanned list, first select the folder, and then click the Remove button.
Folder defaults. Click this button to open a dialog box of folder options. These settings will set options for all the VST plug-ins in all the folders listed in the VST Scan Folders list. For more information, see To set options for all plug-ins in a folder.
Scan for VST Plug-ins On Startup. If this option is checked, the folders listed in the VST Scan Folders window are searched for new plug-ins whenever you start Music Creator. Any previously unscanned plug-ins are then scanned. Checking this option causes Music Creator to search for unregistered VST plug-ins on startup. If you prefer to run the VST Configuration Wizard manually, you can disable this option.
Rescan Failed Plug-ins. Checking this option causes any plug-in(s) that didn’t scan correctly to be rescanned during the next scan.
Rescan existing plug-ins. Checking this option causes plug-in(s) that did scan correctly to be rescanned during the next scan. This is a way to implement any changes you’ve made to the Folder defaults settings.
Scan VST Folders. Click this button to immediately scan the folders listed in the VST Scan Folder(s) list.
Reset All VST Plug-ins. Click this button to remove all scanning records and settings from all your VST plug-ins. Use this button if you want to completely start over.

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