Cakewalk // Documentation // Music Creator 6 Touch // Audio - Advanced
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Dialog box referencePreferences dialog ► Audio - Advanced

Share Drivers With Other Programs. This option allows other software to access device drivers. When this option is checked, other software can access device drivers when Music Creator is not the focus of Windows.
Use Multiprocessing Engine. This option is grayed out unless you have a multiprocessor computer. If you have a multiprocessor computer, check this option if you want Music Creator to use both processors at all times. If you do not check this option, Music Creator still uses the second processor for some tasks.
Driver Bit Depth. Determines the number of bits per sample used for communicating with the audio hardware for playback and recording. Your audio hardware must be capable of supporting the setting you supply here. Music Creator is 16-bit only.
Sample Rate. The Sampling Rate drop-down list allows you to enter or select an audio sampling rate for a new .cwp file. Once any audio has been added to a .cwp file — either by recording audio or by using the File > Import > Audio command—you can’t change the sampling rate for that .cwp file. Therefore, you should choose the sampling rate immediately after choosing File > New to start a new song.
Edit Config File. Click this button to edit settings in AUD.ini.
Reload Config Settings. Click this button to reload the current audio configuration settings from AUD.ini.
Reset Config to Defaults. Click this button to reset settings in AUD.ini to their default values.
Learn more. Click this hyperlink to open the Music Creator Owner’s page in your default web browser.

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