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Dialog box reference ► Gain dialog

The Process > Apply Effect > Gain command opens the Gain dialog box.
New Left Channel-From Left slider. Drag the From Left slider to determine the amount of the original left channel that will be mixed to the new file (range = -INF to 18.0dB).
New Left Channel-From Right slider. Drag the From Right slider to determine the amount of the original right channel that will be mixed to the new file (range = -INF to 18.0dB).
Invert left channel phase. Enable the Invert left-channel phase button if you want to reverse the phase of the new left-channel mix.
New Right Channel-From Left slider. Drag the From Left slider to determine the amount of the original left channel that will be mixed to the new file (range = -INF to 18.0dB).
New Right Channel-From Right slider. Drag the From Right slider to determine the amount of the original right channel that will be mixed to the new file (range = -INF to 18.0dB).
Invert right channel phase. Enable the Invert right-channel phase button if you want to reverse the phase of the new right-channel mix.
Audition button. click this button to audition a few seconds of your new settings.
Preset window. use this window and the Save and Delete buttons that are next to it to save and manage any Gain presets you decide to store.

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