Cakewalk // Documentation // CakewalkSonar // Recording takes
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Arranging and editingComping ► Recording takes

A take is any new data brought into a track. It can be recorded audio or MIDI, dragged-in loops, or imported files. If a track has data on it, it has at least one Take lane. A new Take lane is created for each new take.
Go to Edit > Preferences > Project - Record, or right-click the Record button to access recording settings in the Preferences dialog box.
Under Recording Mode, select Comping.
Under Loop Recording, select Store Takes in a Single Track. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.
Click the target track’s Expand/collapse Take Lanes button so Take lanes are visible.
Click the track’s Record button to arm the track for recording. Note: It is important that you arm the parent track, not an existing Take lane.
Right-click the Time Ruler and select Set Loop Points on the pop-up menu (or press SHIFT+L). You can also click the Set Loop Points to Selection button in the Control Bar’s Loop module.
Click the Record button in Control Bar’s Transport module.
Click the track’s Expand/collapse Take Lanes button (or press SHIFT+T) so Take lanes are visible.
Click the top lane’s Add Take Lane button to create a new empty Take lane.
Click the new Take lane’s Record button to arm the lane for recording.
Click the Record button in Control Bar’s Transport module.
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