Cakewalk // Documentation // Music Creator 7 // Take lane controls
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Arranging and editingTake lanes ► Take lane controls

Figure 114. Take lane controls.
A. Expand/collapse Take lanes B. Select lane C. Delete Take lane D. Add Take lane E. Lane name F. Edit Filter G. Mute H. Solo I. Arm for recording J. Comments
Delete Take Lane . Remove lane and all data in the lane.
Add Take Lane . Add a new empty lane below the clicked lane. Each track can have an unlimited number of lanes. New Take lanes are automatically named T1, T2, T3, etc.
Select. Click to select the lane and its parent track. Lanes support the same selection gestures as tracks.
Edit Filter. Use a track’s Edit Filter control to specify the type of data you want to edit.
Clips. The selected tool operates on clips.
Audio Transients. The selected tool operates on audio transients (only available for audio tracks).
Clip Automation. The selected tool operates on clip automation envelopes. Select the desired automation parameter from the submenu. Created envelopes are displayed in bold text at the top of the menu.
Name. Take lanes are automatically named with a sequential take number. You can rename Take lanes, just like regular tracks.
Solo. Solo the Take lane and temporarily mute all other Take lanes within the same parent track.
Mute. Mute the Take lane.
Record Arm. Arms the Take lane for recording. New data will overwrite existing data, regardless of the global record mode.
Comments. Type a comment or description of the selected take.
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